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Continuing Education for Real Estate Appraisers - Real Estate Appraisers, Appraisal Management Companies and Home Inspectors


In order to renew any license or certificate, including a trainee license, a total of 42 hours of appraisal-related continuing education is required. All appraisers must take the 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course at least once during each of its publications. If the appraiser's license has expired additional continuing education will be required to reinstate the license. An appraiser applicant shall have completed 14 hours of continuing education for each year or portion thereof since the license has been expired in addition to the required 42 hours of continuing education.

ATTN: Effective November 1, 2023, any currently licensed appraiser, certified appraiser, and appraiser trainee, applying for license or certificate renewal shall successfully complete during the preceding 3-year license cycle a minimum of 3 hours of appraisal education related to racial discrimination and implicit bias. (posted 5/8/23)

You must complete the 42 hours of continuing education (CE) prior to submitting your renewal application. The required CE must be completed before you file an application for renewal or reinstatement, regardless of the expiration date on the license, certificate or registration to be renewed.

If you have not fully completed the courses prior to certifying that you have completed them, you may be subject to disciplinary action for falsely representing that you have met the requirements and qualify for the license, certificate or registration for which you have applied. The results of disciplinary action against you could include the suspension or revocation of the license, certificate, or registration that you have obtained.

You may obtain a list of the education providers approved to offer appraiser continuing education courses – a complete listing of approved provider courses.

Note: An appraiser may not complete more than 8 hours of continuing education in the same calendar day.

In addition to the approved list, the Commission recognizes all classroom-based and online continuing education courses approved through the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) Course Approval Program (CAP). Under “Resources” click on Course Approval Program (CAP); scroll down to Appraiser Qualifications Board Course Approval Program, and click on AQB approved Real Property Courses.


View the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR