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MOSH Consultation Services

Maryland Occupational Safety & Health offers a free consultative service designed to help employers recognize and control potential safety and health hazards at their worksites, improve their safety and health program, assist in training employees, and possibly qualify for a one-year exemption from routine OSHA inspections. This service, which is jointly funded by the Workers' Compensation Commission and the U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), is primarily targeted for smaller businesses (less than 250 employees per establishment or 500 employees nationwide) in high hazard industries; such as manufacturing, healthcare, and construction. It is a confidential service in which your firm's name, and any other information you provide and any unsafe or unhealthy working conditions found, will not be reported routinely to the OSHA inspection staff.

Although the Consultation Program is primarily targeted for smaller businesses in high hazard industries (high hazard SIC Codes), all private-sector employers are welcome to request a consultative survey. Public sector entities (State and Municipalities) can request a survey from MOSH. Since this service isvoluntary, you must request a consultative visit; refer to Request a Survey.

View the transcript of this video (Word)

Consultation Services


Conducting Self-Inspections in the Workplace

View the transcript of this video (Word)

Management Leadership

This micro learning video features Management Leadership, the first and most important of seven core elements of the recommended practices for safety and health programs.

Education and Training

The importance of educating and training workers for a sustainable health and safety management program.

Division of Labor and Industry
Maryland Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH)

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160
Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Phone: 410-527-4472
Fax: 410-527-5678
Directions to the Hunt Valley Training Center