Career Assessment - Columbia Workforce Center
Career Assessments
CAPS/COPS/COPES is a paper test that will identify your abilities, values and interests in order to choose the right career. Please check the calendar for dates this test is offered.
CareerScope measures both aptitude and interest in a completely user-friendly environment.
Utilize Virtual Training Center (VTC), an online computer and software training, supplying individuals, businesses, education providers, and non-profit organizations with instant access to richly diverse courses of informative and inspiring tutorials.
On-Line Assessments
There are many Internet based sites that offer on-line assessments for career development and job search. Some tests are free and others are for a charge so please read the site information carefully.
Columbia Workforce Center
7161 Columbia Gateway Drive
Columbia, Maryland 21046
Telephone: 410-290-2600 Fax: 410-312-0834