Baltimore County Workforce Development Board hosts second WIOA Convening - Workforce Development and Adult Learning - Benchmarks of Success for the Workforce System
The Baltimore County Workforce Development Board is pleased to report that the American Job Center (AJC) Steering Committee and Career TEAM hosted its second WIOA Convening on 10/4/19 at Oregon Ridge. The AJC Steering Committee and Career TEAM is comprised of leaders from the various partnering agencies including Maryland Department of Labor, Community College of Baltimore County, Maryland State Department of Education Division Of Rehabilitation Services, Baltimore County Department of Social Services, Baltimore County Department of Economic and Workforce Development, Community Action Network, and the One-Stop-Operator, KRA.
The theme of the day was movement from partnerships to relationship. The intent of the day was to introduce, educate, and have staff share their work, experience, talent, and services provided in order to develop relationships and understandings that will create a more cohesive, seamless, shared, and beneficial experience for job seekers and employers.
The morning was kicked off with powerful, motivating words from the following speakers: Jim Rzepkowski, Assistant Secretary, Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning, Maryland Department of Labor; Will Anderson, Director of DEWD; Scott Dennis, Assistant State Superintendent for the Division of Rehabilitation Services; and Anna- Maria Palmer, Chair of the Baltimore County Workforce Development Board. In the afternoon, Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Jr. (pictured above), attended and provided inspiring remarks and gratitude for the work that the WIOA partners were providing.
Over 155 staff from the various agencies attended and learned more about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, county partnerships, performance measures, and outcomes. Chris Martin, Director of Operations for Advantage Psychiatric Services, did a presentation on Mental Health Issues, and the representatives from the CareerTeam did presentations on their organizations programs, services, and metrics. The day was filled with professional development and opportunities to network and connect with other providers/colleagues.
“The synergy of parts working together is much more effective than a bunch of great people on their own.” (Anonymous)
(left to right) - Verginia Butoi-Varga, CCBC; Cynthia Etheridge, Labor Exchange Administrator, MD LABOR; Jim Rzepkowski, Assistant Secretary MD Labor; Renee Barnes, Manger Liberty Career Center Baltimore County Economic & Workforce Development; Mary Manzoni, Senior Manager Workforce Development Baltimore County Economic and Workforce Development; Scott Dennis, Assistant State Superintendent Division of Rehabilitation Services; Jennifer Horton, Policy and Planning Manager Baltimore County Economic and Workforce Development; Chris Martin, Director of Operations Advantage Psychiatric Services; Matt Jackson, Regional Director Division of Rehabilitation Services