Frequently Asked Questions - Building Code Administration
Where can I find or ask questions regarding the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) code?
You may contact the building official in the county/jurisdiction in which the building is located. The county/jurisdiction can help direct you to the current ADA code they enforce and any additional requirements. View resources to contact the county official. If you have further questions, you can also contact the State at the following email -
Building Codes
Where can I find information on the requirements to remodel a part of my residential home?
In the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC). State law requires local jurisdictions to enforce the Maryland Building Performance Standards, and allows for certain local amendments. Please check with your county permit office for their most accurate and current requirements.
Where can I find the currently adopted State of Maryland codes?
The Department of Labor adopted the codes in COMAR 09.12.50 (Maryland Performance Code) & 09.12.51 (Maryland Building Performance Standards) and both are effective as of May 29, 2023. Find more information here.
For your particular county/jurisdiction, please contact the building official in the county/jurisdiction in which the building is located. The county can help direct you to their current code and any additional requirements. View resources to contact the county official.
Modular Program
Where can I find information on Maryland’s modular program?Information can be found here.
How can I determine if my home is a modular home?
The Maryland Insignia is the proof to confirm this is a modular home from the state program. You can find the state insignia(s) in green, and typically, they are located in the kitchen cabinet near the sink. Other possible locations may be in a closet or near the electrical panel.
How often should the manufacturer's QC Manual be updated?
An updated QC Manual should be submitted whenever there is a change to the current State adopted codes or with any staffing changes. The current State adopted codes should be those referenced in the current QC Manual.
What items are required to become a new Maryland approved manufacturer?
- Completed Application - see this link
- Application fee (located on the application)
- Signed W9 form
- One letter of certification from your Approved Testing Facility (ATF)
- The latest QC Manual reviewed/approved by ATF
- One set of a plan (it could be a sample plan) reviewed/approved by ATF
Does the BCA office maintain a list of HUD installers?
Please use the link below to find the -
current approved installers in Maryland
Please contact if you have any questions regarding this list.
Does the Maryland Department of Labor host code training?The Department of Labor does host training. Please sign up to receive email updates related to code adoptions, training, and other relevant information related to building codes here.
My apartment complex has some building code violations. We have not received a response from the property manager, so I would like to know what I can do to have these codes enforced by local authorities.
State law requires local jurisdictions to implement/enforce the code requirements of the Minimum Livability Code. You may contact the building permit office in your county to file a complaint regarding the issues you have.
For additional information, contact:
Department of Labor
Division of Labor and Industry
Building Codes Administration
10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160
Hunt Valley, MD 21031