Industrialized/Modular Buildings - Building Code Administration
- General Description
- List of Applicable Codes for Industrialized Buildings Required By The State Model Performance Code
- What is a Modular Home?
- Industrialized/Modular Buildings and Mobile Homes Program - Procedure
- Industrialized Buildings and Mobile Homes Regulations, COMAR 09.12.52 (an official copy is available at the Department of State Documents website.)
Modular Building Construction and Fire Sprinkler Certification Process video
Documentation (available in PDF, Excel and Word formats)
Approved Industrialized/Modular Building Models
Approved Models List - current year
Approved Models List - Previous Years
- Model Approval List, 2024
- Model Approval List, 2023
- Model Approval List, 2022
- Model Approval List, 2021
- Model Approval List, 2020
- Model Approval List, 2019
- Model Approval List, 2018
- 2017 Model Approved in 2018
- 2017 models approved in 2017
- 2016 models approved in 2017
- Approved Model List (12/31/2016)
- Approved Model List (12/31/2015)
- Approved Model List (12/31/2014)
- Approved Model List (12/31/2013)
- Approved Model List (12/31/2012)
- Approved Model List (12/31/2011)
- Approved Model List (12/31/2010)
- Approved Model List (12/31/2009)
- Approved Model List (12/31/2008)
- Approved Model List (12/31/2007)
- Memo - 2019-10-15, State Fire Prevention Code
- Memo - 2019-01-03, Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria
- Memo - 2018-08-23, procedures for insignia, forms and location reports after July 01, 2018
- Memo - 2018-06-11, Insignia, Forms, and Location report
- Memo - 2018-06-04, Insignia and Renewal
- Memo - 2018-05-15, Insignia DHCD and DLLR
- Memo - 2017-05-15, revised fire sprinkler design submittal requirements
- Memo - 2017-04-24, Industrialized-Modular Buildings without Plumbing Facilities
- Memorandum - 2016-08-24, Information of Maryland Codes Administration Web Site
- Memorandum - 2016-03-28, Changes to the Maryland Codes Admin web site
- Memorandum - 2016-01-21, Clarifying the design and inspection responsibility of manufacturer-supplied items
- Memorandum - 2015-12-10 - NFPA 101 (2015 edition), NEC (2014 edition), effective 01-01-2016
- Memorandum - 2015-10-07 - Using building framing cavities as ducts or plenums in one- and two-family dwellings
- Memorandum - 2015-09-09 - Requirements for stock units
- Memorandum - 2015-08-27 - Additional information required when submitting plans to DHCD
- Memorandum - 2015-07-31 - Starting construction of industrializd building without approval letter
- Memorandum - 2015-07-31 - Local design criteria & local amendments to IBC & IRC
- Memorandum - 2015-06-15 - Requirements when responding to DHCD Plant Inspection Reports
- Memorandum - 2015-05-15 - Require wind speed design data in construction documents of Industrialized-Modular buildings
- Memorandum - 2015-03-09 - MD Registered Design Professional Prepared Documents for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
- Memorandum - 2015-03-04 - Structural Calculations & Beam Design
- Memo - 2015-01-07, use of current edition of RESCheck and COMCheck
Prior to 2015
- Memo - 2014-12-18, Maryland Insignia required to be attached to units before shipping
- Memo - 2014-12-18, energy tests required for one- and two-family dwellings
- Memo - 2014-12-16, cover letter from ATF required when submitting revised plan
- Memo - 2014-10-06, ATF labels are required before shipping
- Memo - 2012-10-03, fire sprinkler requirements for residential units
- Memo - 2012-06-28, revisions to COMAR 05.02.07 (MBPS)
- Memo - 2011-04-15, Amendments to 2012 IBC, 2012 IRC, and 2012 IECC
- Memo - 2009-04-20, Responsibility and Care for Maryland Insignia
- Memo - 2008-08-21, Recreational Park trailers
- Memo - 2008-06-17, Exemptions, Industrialized Buildings Reg
- Memo - 2008-05-14, Industrialized Buildings without Plumbing Facilities
- Memo - 2007-08-28, Relocatable Structures
- Memo - 2003-05-09, requirements of construction documents
Approved Industrialized/Modular Building Manufacturers
Approved Testing Facilities
Active Plans
For additional information, contact:
Department of Labor
Division of Labor and Industry
Building Codes Administration
10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160
Hunt Valley, MD 21031