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Maryland - Third Quarter 2011 - Industry Series - Maryland's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - OWIP

 Industry THIRD QUARTER 2011
Monthly Employment Quarterly
Total Wages Average

Second Third
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 164,024   2,475,584   2,460,860   2,498,167 2,478,204  $33,583,309,027 $1,042
GOVERNMENT SECTOR - TOTAL 3,477 451,455 443,563 489,662 461,560 7,542,398,031 1,257
Federal Government 1,069 146,015 146,710 148,175 146,967 3,384,745,042 1,772
State Government 368 99,584 101,155 101,502 100,747 1,356,373,654 1,036
Local Government 2,040 205,856 195,698 239,985 213,846 2,801,279,335 1,008
PRIVATE SECTOR TOTAL - ALL INDUSTRIES 160,547 2,024,129 2,017,297 2,008,505 2,016,644 26,040,910,996 993
GOODS-PRODUCING 21,331 269,226 268,167 265,611 267,668 3,998,163,636 1,149
 Natural Resources and Mining
677 7,172 7,078 6,989 7,080 63,823,999 693
 Crop production
216 3,068 3,045 2,970 3,028 21,932,266 557
 Animal production and aquaculture
132 1,140 1,138 1,141 1,140 9,599,515 648
 Forestry and logging
49 194 192 171 186 1,503,962 622
 Fishing, hunting and trapping
 Agriculture and forestry support activities
163 1,165 1,071 1,061 1,099 8,429,696 590
 Oil and gas extraction
 Mining, except oil and gas
51 925 929 923 926 12,272,735 1,019
 Support activities for mining
42 556 571 602 576 9,039,674 1,207
16,912 147,962 147,241 145,766 146,990 2,029,164,502 1,062
 Construction of buildings
5,712 31,120 30,996 30,706 30,941 445,045,452 1,106
 Heavy and civil engineering construction
934 15,243 15,205 15,035 15,161 209,786,130 1,064
 Specialty trade contractors
10,266 101,599 101,040 100,025 100,888 1,374,332,920 1,048
3,742 114,092 113,848 112,856 113,599 1,905,175,135 1,290
 Food manufacturing
384 15,059 15,022 14,890 14,990 179,703,195 922
 Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
72 3,573 3,549 3,459 3,527 48,395,093 1,055
 Textile mills
34 863 862 825 850 8,856,199 801
 Textile product mills
117 823 817 811 817 8,342,312 785
 Apparel manufacturing
43 1,482 1,482 1,508 1,491 11,485,155 593
 Leather and allied product manufacturing
10 162 172 171 168 1,653,443 757
 Wood product manufacturing
126 2,030 2,019 2,019 2,023 19,846,057 755
 Paper manufacturing
43 3,197 3,154 2,911 3,087 42,475,847 1,058
 Printing and related support activities
524 8,301 8,266 8,273 8,280 99,593,588 925
 Petroleum and coal products manufacturing
32 718 715 733 722 12,250,759 1,305
 Chemical manufacturing
220 12,601 12,599 12,467 12,556 257,675,050 1,579
 Plastics and rubber products manufacturing
111 6,394 6,343 6,326 6,354 98,419,379 1,191
 Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing
168 3,682 3,686 3,665 3,678 44,646,041 934
 Primary metal manufacturing
37 2,896 2,958 2,938 2,931 53,949,095 1,416
 Fabricated metal product manufacturing
426 8,402 8,334 8,286 8,341 107,887,633 995
 Machinery manufacturing
202 6,661 6,611 6,627 6,633 108,369,810 1,257
 Computer and electronic product manufacturing
383 20,526 20,470 20,296 20,431 536,383,340 2,019
 Electrical equipment and appliance mfg.
85 1,824 1,838 1,772 1,811 27,051,849 1,149
 Transportation equipment manufacturing
123 7,731 7,738 7,698 7,722 151,576,694 1,510
 Furniture and related product manufacturing
199 3,011 3,036 3,029 3,025 30,379,319 773
 Miscellaneous manufacturing
403 4,156 4,177 4,152 4,162 56,235,277 1,039
SERVICE PROVIDING 139,171 1,754,895 1,749,115 1,742,879 1,748,963 22,042,602,143 969
 Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
33,043 438,634 439,508 438,836 438,993 4,532,389,786 794
140 10,167 10,108 9,979 10,085 249,868,162 1,906
 Merchant wholesalers, durable goods
4,126 43,443 43,371 43,113 43,309 821,055,718 1,458
 Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods
1,847 28,298 28,205 28,134 28,212 399,681,759 1,090
 Electronic markets and agents and brokers
4,251 15,313 15,460 15,397 15,390 318,525,570 1,592
 Motor vehicle and parts dealers
1,624 33,606 33,658 33,499 33,588 390,103,236 893
 Furniture and home furnishings stores
989 9,625 9,589 9,436 9,550 79,819,772 643
 Electronics and appliance stores
1,013 10,146 10,068 9,803 10,006 97,553,418 750
 Building material and garden supply stores
1,157 23,036 22,501 22,028 22,522 194,502,293 664
 Food and beverage stores
3,761 64,762 65,240 65,190 65,064 415,813,284 492
 Health and personal care stores
1,936 17,427 17,536 17,779 17,581 151,962,844 665
 Gasoline stations
1,313 9,252 9,174 9,148 9,191 50,658,508 424
 Clothing and clothing accessories stores
2,583 26,497 26,888 25,837 26,407 122,352,011 356
 Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores
958 10,857 10,998 11,122 10,992 54,235,008 380
 General merchandise stores
884 53,409 53,787 53,248 53,481 285,227,134 410
 Miscellaneous store retailers
1,979 16,210 16,215 16,558 16,328 105,834,552 499
 Nonstore retailers
705 5,019 5,197 5,302 5,173 58,035,326 863
 Air transportation
66 4,432 4,485 4,482 4,466 83,963,693 1,446
 Rail transportation
 Water transportation
35 1,149 1,147 1,131 1,142 25,640,682 1,727
 Truck transportation
1,528 14,232 14,066 14,018 14,105 160,854,073 877
 Transit and ground passenger transportation
717 8,982 8,867 10,879 9,576 68,007,292 546
 Pipeline transportation
6 93 93 94 93 1,962,628 1,623
 Scenic and sightseeing transportation
64 660 651 613 641 3,693,022 443
 Support activities for transportation
675 10,241 10,393 10,025 10,220 139,630,232 1,051
 Postal service
 Couriers and messengers
371 11,302 11,287 11,430 11,340 122,360,565 830
 Warehousing and storage
286 10,270 10,307 10,373 10,317 128,570,036 959
2,588 42,763 38,615 41,867 41,082 749,965,394 1,404
 Publishing industries, except Internet
701 9,407 9,366 9,281 9,351 162,770,736 1,339
 Motion picture and sound recording industries
359 3,876 4,316 3,547 3,913 31,983,406 629
 Broadcasting, except Internet
134 4,447 4,533 4,473 4,484 101,420,759 1,740
843 18,866 14,241 18,434 17,180 335,422,973 1,502
 ISPs, search portals, and data processing
316 4,642 4,628 4,611 4,627 89,399,173 1,486
 Other information services
235 1,525 1,531 1,521 1,526 28,968,347 1,460
 Financial Activities
14,279 137,748 137,283 136,369 137,133 2,350,061,120 1,318
 Monetary authorities - central bank
8 220 224 221 222 4,244,459 1,471
 Credit intermediation and related activities
3,352 44,571 44,337 44,021 44,310 662,463,061 1,150
 Securities, commodity contracts, investments
1,477 15,838 15,792 15,575 15,735 493,416,142 2,412
 Insurance carriers and related activities
2,936 32,483 32,342 32,408 32,411 596,970,735 1,417
 Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles
197 1,788 1,781 1,748 1,772 29,436,707 1,278
 Real estate
5,259 31,741 31,822 31,365 31,643 428,023,446 1,041
 Rental and leasing services
1,000 10,790 10,658 10,705 10,718 129,728,927 931
 Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets
50 317 327 326 323 5,777,643 1,376
 Professional and Business Services
37,589 403,698 404,278 403,043 403,673 6,827,954,767 1,301
 Professional and technical services
26,191 230,735 230,783 228,430 229,983 4,928,137,731 1,648
 Management of companies and enterprises
520 22,177 22,165 22,056 22,133 489,522,757 1,701
 Administrative and support services
10,361 141,474 142,165 143,435 142,358 1,297,585,992 701
 Waste management and remediation services
517 9,312 9,165 9,122 9,200 112,708,287 942
 Education and Health Services
18,499 390,154 388,894 392,853 390,634 4,881,710,811 961
 Educational services
2,516 59,319 58,067 60,751 59,379 777,780,174 1,008
 Ambulatory health care services
11,353 112,733 112,579 112,623 112,645 1,722,243,772 1,176
225 103,726 104,075 104,232 104,011 1,502,192,412 1,111
 Nursing and residential care facilities
1,505 69,667 69,752 69,775 69,731 562,317,326 620
 Social assistance
2,900 44,709 44,421 45,472 44,867 317,177,127 544
 Leisure and Hospitality
13,797 252,734 251,936 242,321 248,997 1,270,917,729 393
 Performing arts and spectator sports
785 7,516 7,693 8,010 7,740 154,032,383 1,531
 Museums, historical sites, zoos, and parks
101 1,736 1,723 1,655 1,705 12,138,749 548
 Amusements, gambling, and recreation
1,487 35,057 34,074 29,539 32,890 149,501,271 350
815 26,722 26,334 24,947 26,001 177,806,821 526
 Food services and drinking places
10,609 181,703 182,112 178,170 180,662 777,438,505 331
 Other Services
19,376 89,164 88,601 87,590 88,452 1,429,602,536 1,243
 Repair and maintenance
4,170 22,999 23,056 22,879 22,978 240,658,809 806
 Personal and laundry services
3,991 30,699 30,632 30,415 30,582 190,642,211 480
 Membership associations and organizations
2,954 26,619 26,131 25,446 26,065 951,160,257 2,807
 Private households
8,261 8,847 8,782 8,850 8,826 47,141,259 411
UNCLASSIFIED 45 8 15 15 13 145,217 859

D - indicates data do not meet agency disclosure standards.