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Maryland - Third Quarter 2016 - Industry Series - Maryland's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - OWIP

 Industry THIRD QUARTER 2016
Monthly Employment Quarterly
Total Wages Average

Second Third
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 169,937   2,619,639   2,613,027   2,648,306 2,626,991  $38,362,967,738 $1,123
GOVERNMENT SECTOR - TOTAL 3,534 446,347 441,913 491,673 459,978 8,316,453,922 1,391
Federal Government 1,003 146,682 146,729 146,513 146,641 3,903,284,436 2,048
State Government 442 95,599 97,490 97,897 96,995 1,393,869,116 1,105
Local Government 2,089 204,066 197,694 247,263 216,341 3,019,300,370 1,074
PRIVATE SECTOR TOTAL - ALL INDUSTRIES 166,403 2,173,292 2,171,114 2,156,633 2,167,013 30,046,513,816 1,067
GOODS-PRODUCING 20,718 276,145 275,980 274,529 275,551 4,582,845,721 1,279
 Natural Resources and Mining
717 7,015 6,969 6,797 6,927 70,033,764 778
 Crop production
227 3,150 3,084 3,019 3,084 25,938,959 647
 Animal production and aquaculture
131 1,161 1,181 1,153 1,165 10,845,482 716
 Forestry and logging
50 192 188 183 188 1,901,688 778
 Fishing, hunting and trapping
23 126 129 121 125 1,166,268 718
 Agriculture and forestry support activities
179 1,202 1,216 1,160 1,193 9,989,450 644
 Oil and gas extraction
7 21 21 21 21 431,234 1,580
 Mining, except oil and gas
52 672 665 670 669 11,481,526 1,320
 Support activities for mining
48 491 485 470 482 8,279,157 1,321
16,265 165,089 164,936 164,179 164,735 2,615,013,860 1,221
 Construction of buildings
5,565 37,654 37,625 37,584 37,621 633,380,455 1,295
 Heavy and civil engineering construction
835 19,658 19,633 19,424 19,572 343,185,556 1,349
 Specialty trade contractors
9,865 107,777 107,678 107,171 107,542 1,638,447,849 1,172
3,736 104,041 104,075 103,553 103,890 1,897,798,097 1,405
 Food manufacturing
423 15,127 15,334 15,128 15,196 186,871,080 946
 Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
139 3,326 3,427 3,266 3,340 44,439,160 1,023
 Textile mills
23 445 430 437 437 5,352,903 942
 Textile product mills
100 800 799 804 801 9,224,134 886
 Apparel manufacturing
50 1,122 1,102 1,072 1,099 12,056,285 844
 Leather and allied product manufacturing
15 194 193 184 190 2,120,540 859
 Wood product manufacturing
122 2,333 2,357 2,365 2,352 25,801,006 844
 Paper manufacturing
40 2,633 2,636 2,626 2,632 37,173,316 1,086
 Printing and related support activities
433 7,620 7,602 7,654 7,625 99,286,040 1,002
 Petroleum and coal products manufacturing
53 831 850 848 843 17,750,918 1,620
 Chemical manufacturing
253 11,604 11,589 11,577 11,590 298,148,619 1,979
 Plastics and rubber products manufacturing
102 5,896 5,833 5,830 5,853 99,383,634 1,306
 Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing
200 4,416 4,484 4,441 4,447 66,167,793 1,145
 Primary metal manufacturing
35 974 958 969 967 13,550,694 1,078
 Fabricated metal product manufacturing
416 7,793 7,770 7,792 7,785 115,115,631 1,137
 Machinery manufacturing
223 6,530 6,381 6,385 6,432 105,073,305 1,257
 Computer and electronic product manufacturing
373 17,656 17,631 17,505 17,597 528,537,073 2,310
 Electrical equipment and appliance mfg.
89 1,998 1,999 1,965 1,987 32,414,646 1,255
 Transportation equipment manufacturing
111 4,464 4,409 4,452 4,442 90,053,813 1,559
 Furniture and related product manufacturing
171 3,911 3,936 3,893 3,913 43,067,355 847
 Miscellaneous manufacturing
365 4,368 4,355 4,360 4,361 66,210,152 1,168
SERVICE PROVIDING 145,602 1,897,147 1,895,134 1,882,104 1,891,462 25,463,668,095 1,036
 Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
33,045 459,842 460,978 460,211 460,344 5,209,374,360 870
163 10,008 9,980 9,852 9,947 259,775,583 2,009
 Merchant wholesalers, durable goods
3,982 42,614 42,584 42,319 42,506 886,696,972 1,605
 Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods
1,814 28,612 28,552 28,580 28,581 460,479,059 1,239
 Electronic markets and agents and brokers
4,562 15,175 15,313 15,084 15,191 347,332,713 1,759
 Motor vehicle and parts dealers
1,719 37,479 37,365 37,117 37,320 495,342,366 1,021
 Furniture and home furnishings stores
851 9,908 9,900 9,836 9,881 94,146,077 733
 Electronics and appliance stores
905 9,460 9,519 9,515 9,498 115,834,062 938
 Building material and garden supply stores
1,076 24,226 23,432 22,989 23,549 221,405,078 723
 Food and beverage stores
3,856 69,053 69,773 68,891 69,239 461,862,378 513
 Health and personal care stores
2,136 18,778 18,700 18,885 18,788 182,165,879 746
 Gasoline stations
1,382 11,574 11,643 11,569 11,595 66,326,574 440
 Clothing and clothing accessories stores
2,469 25,539 26,102 25,167 25,603 129,897,706 390
 Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores
860 11,223 11,100 11,129 11,151 64,070,786 442
 General merchandise stores
949 52,386 52,676 51,768 52,277 285,434,977 420
 Miscellaneous store retailers
1,751 15,541 15,499 15,682 15,574 104,800,932 518
 Nonstore retailers
732 5,691 5,812 5,869 5,791 78,960,432 1,049
 Air transportation
56 5,341 5,415 5,389 5,382 110,492,888 1,579
 Rail transportation
 Water transportation
37 1,110 1,106 1,128 1,115 25,639,872 1,769
 Truck transportation
1,664 16,451 16,438 16,311 16,400 209,203,562 981
 Transit and ground passenger transportation
697 9,921 9,833 12,102 10,619 87,400,502 633
 Pipeline transportation
12 110 112 112 111 2,476,212 1,716
 Scenic and sightseeing transportation
45 677 608 570 618 3,503,577 436
 Support activities for transportation
687 9,537 9,615 9,589 9,580 144,239,634 1,158
 Postal service
 Couriers and messengers
361 12,624 12,861 13,286 12,924 145,660,865 867
 Warehousing and storage
252 16,685 16,923 17,359 16,989 224,680,901 1,017
2,652 38,372 37,780 37,627 37,926 796,064,033 1,615
 Publishing industries, except Internet
805 9,831 9,817 9,681 9,776 207,412,393 1,632
 Motion picture and sound recording industries
373 4,038 3,997 3,669 3,901 34,533,298 681
 Broadcasting, except Internet
135 4,223 4,199 4,207 4,210 102,262,723 1,868
650 14,269 13,819 14,227 14,105 301,427,076 1,644
 ISPs, search portals, and data processing
325 4,001 3,971 3,903 3,958 107,958,254 2,098
 Other information services
364 2,010 1,977 1,940 1,976 42,470,289 1,653
 Financial Activities
14,909 141,357 141,390 140,616 141,121 2,838,729,130 1,547
 Monetary authorities - central bank
 Credit intermediation and related activities
3,282 42,266 42,628 42,364 42,419 812,734,289 1,474
 Securities, commodity contracts, investments
1,804 18,637 18,637 18,290 18,521 668,211,219 2,775
 Insurance carriers and related activities
3,089 33,973 33,896 33,839 33,903 670,371,408 1,521
 Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles
141 323 314 323 320 7,247,621 1,742
 Real estate
5,568 33,860 33,797 33,685 33,781 516,849,917 1,177
 Rental and leasing services
976 11,851 11,675 11,672 11,733 154,230,253 1,011
 Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets
 Professional and Business Services
41,055 448,410 450,701 446,583 448,565 8,178,810,829 1,403
 Professional and technical services
28,563 249,065 249,808 245,413 248,095 5,740,543,519 1,780
 Management of companies and enterprises
680 25,830 25,841 25,665 25,779 614,356,378 1,833
 Administrative and support services
11,268 164,745 166,345 166,803 165,964 1,706,068,963 791
 Waste management and remediation services
544 8,770 8,707 8,702 8,726 117,841,969 1,039
 Education and Health Services
19,952 425,555 422,460 426,059 424,691 5,795,764,180 1,050
 Educational services
2,767 63,869 60,937 63,656 62,821 917,729,079 1,124
 Ambulatory health care services
12,266 137,765 137,773 137,638 137,725 2,254,241,235 1,259
307 104,340 104,281 104,700 104,440 1,640,754,658 1,208
 Nursing and residential care facilities
1,603 70,639 70,696 70,701 70,679 613,574,163 668
 Social assistance
3,009 48,942 48,773 49,364 49,026 369,465,045 580
 Leisure and Hospitality
14,558 291,289 290,211 279,814 287,105 1,681,360,791 450
 Performing arts and spectator sports
791 8,740 9,062 8,966 8,923 190,887,358 1,646
 Museums, historical sites, zoos, and parks
103 1,859 1,849 1,757 1,822 15,168,411 640
 Amusements, gambling, and recreation
1,577 44,595 43,189 37,684 41,823 225,429,511 415
835 26,783 26,816 25,394 26,331 202,991,235 593
 Food services and drinking places
11,252 209,312 209,295 206,013 208,207 1,046,884,276 387
 Other Services
19,431 92,322 91,614 91,194 91,710 963,564,772 808
 Repair and maintenance
4,205 24,630 24,557 24,467 24,551 287,004,976 899
 Personal and laundry services
4,262 32,538 32,474 32,128 32,380 228,456,859 543
 Membership associations and organizations
3,206 26,984 26,519 26,315 26,606 395,658,802 1,144
 Private households
7,758 8,170 8,064 8,284 8,173 52,444,135 494

D - indicates data do not meet agency disclosure standards.