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Caroline County - Fourth Quarter 2011 - County Industry Series - Maryland's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - Workforce Information & Performance

Industry FOURTH QUARTER 2011
Monthly Employment Quarterly
Total Wages Average

Second Third
Caroline County              
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 687   8,558   8,483   8,482 8,508  $76,234,781 $689
GOVERNMENT SECTOR - TOTAL 45 1,641 1,646 1,639 1,642 16,166,853 757
Federal Government 16 80 74 80 78 844,407 833
State Government 5 167 168 164 166 1,423,274 660
Local Government 24 1,394 1,404 1,395 1,398 13,899,172 765
PRIVATE SECTOR - TOTAL ALL INDUSTRIES 642 6,917 6,837 6,843 6,866 60,067,928 673
GOODS-PRODUCING 185 1,968 1,914 1,887 1,923 19,924,109 797
 Natural Resources and Mining
28 152 141 135 143 1,277,438 687
131 520 509 499 509 5,263,975 796
26 1,296 1,264 1,253 1,271 13,382,696 810
SERVICE PROVIDING 457 4,949 4,923 4,956 4,943 40,143,819 625
 Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
177 2,233 2,205 2,210 2,216 20,579,525 714
4 7 7 7 7 88,771 976
 Financial Activities
47 216 218 222 219 1,942,522 682
 Professional and Business Services
82 343 343 345 344 4,267,037 954
 Education and Health Services
44 1,361 1,364 1,389 1,371 9,884,327 555
 Leisure and Hospitality
44 556 556 551 554 1,694,289 235
 Other Services
59 233 230 232 232 1,687,348 559