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Dorchester County - Second Quarter 2011 - County Industry Series - Maryland's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - Workforce Information & Performance

Industry SECOND QUARTER 2011
Monthly Employment Quarterly
Total Wages Average

Second Third
Dorchester County              
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 776   10,919   11,064   11,457 11,147  $94,465,075 $652
GOVERNMENT SECTOR - TOTAL 55 2,415 2,394 2,448 2,419 25,978,903 826
Federal Government 22 195 198 204 199 3,168,641 1,225
State Government 8 776 780 813 790 8,735,936 851
Local Government 25 1,444 1,416 1,431 1,430 14,074,326 757
PRIVATE SECTOR - TOTAL ALL INDUSTRIES 721 8,504 8,670 9,009 8,728 68,486,172 604
GOODS-PRODUCING 157 2,693 2,696 2,820 2,736 24,788,622 697
 Natural Resources and Mining
27 269 264 268 267 2,419,958 697
88 393 386 400 393 3,733,699 731
42 2,031 2,046 2,152 2,076 18,634,965 690
SERVICE PROVIDING 564 5,811 5,974 6,189 5,991 43,697,550 561
 Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
207 1,835 1,959 2,011 1,935 13,119,339 522
10 57 55 55 56 387,248 532
 Financial Activities
65 378 374 386 379 4,412,695 896
 Professional and Business Services
80 518 498 507 508 5,367,310 813
 Education and Health Services
67 1,591 1,603 1,602 1,599 13,146,521 632
 Leisure and Hospitality
68 1,133 1,177 1,316 1,209 5,880,795 374
 Other Services
67 299 308 312 306 1,383,642 348