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Dorchester County - Fourth Quarter 2011 - County Industry Series - Maryland's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - Workforce Information & Performance

Industry FOURTH QUARTER 2011
Monthly Employment Quarterly
Total Wages Average

Second Third
Dorchester County              
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 782   11,339   11,297   10,988 11,208  $97,227,419 $667
GOVERNMENT SECTOR - TOTAL 55 2,368 2,406 2,405 2,393 26,227,628 843
Federal Government 22 200 198 195 198 2,899,891 1,127
State Government 8 788 792 789 790 8,323,617 810
Local Government 25 1,380 1,416 1,421 1,406 15,004,120 821
PRIVATE SECTOR - TOTAL ALL INDUSTRIES 727 8,971 8,891 8,583 8,815 70,999,791 620
GOODS-PRODUCING 157 2,820 2,802 2,659 2,760 25,489,304 710
 Natural Resources and Mining
26 286 288 251 275 3,247,355 908
90 386 381 384 384 3,802,690 762
41 2,148 2,133 2,024 2,102 18,439,259 675
SERVICE PROVIDING 570 6,151 6,089 5,924 6,055 45,510,487 578
 Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
208 2,041 2,051 1,931 2,008 13,883,575 532
10 52 57 55 55 405,271 567
 Financial Activities
62 376 374 377 376 5,304,023 1,085
 Professional and Business Services
81 477 475 479 477 5,400,423 871
 Education and Health Services
66 1,601 1,595 1,602 1,599 13,312,954 640
 Leisure and Hospitality
72 1,285 1,207 1,126 1,206 5,676,677 362
 Other Services
71 319 330 354 334 1,527,564 352