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Dorchester County - Fourth Quarter 2013 - County Industry Series - Maryland's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - Workforce Information & Performance

Industry FOURTH QUARTER 2013
Monthly Employment Quarterly
Total Wages Average

Second Third
Dorchester County              
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 769   11,275   11,210   10,960 11,148  $103,808,968 $716
GOVERNMENT SECTOR - TOTAL 54 2,363 2,373 2,372 2,369 26,977,725 876
Federal Government 20 192 188 191 190 2,656,115 1,075
State Government 9 796 792 785 791 9,045,913 880
Local Government 25 1,375 1,393 1,396 1,388 15,275,697 847
PRIVATE SECTOR - TOTAL ALL INDUSTRIES 715 8,912 8,837 8,588 8,779 76,831,243 673
GOODS-PRODUCING 139 2,903 2,919 2,824 2,882 31,720,834 847
 Natural Resources and Mining
26 352 362 324 346 4,072,663 905
76 391 405 394 397 4,064,200 787
37 2,160 2,152 2,106 2,139 23,583,971 848
SERVICE PROVIDING 576 6,009 5,918 5,764 5,897 45,110,409 588
 Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
196 2,013 1,964 1,803 1,927 14,437,835 576
7 45 44 47 45 379,233 648
 Financial Activities
61 306 299 303 303 3,336,161 847
 Professional and Business Services
86 587 584 575 582 6,076,236 803
 Education and Health Services
73 1,455 1,429 1,451 1,445 13,358,107 711
 Leisure and Hospitality
77 1,315 1,309 1,295 1,306 5,825,375 343
 Other Services
76 288 289 290 289 1,697,462 452