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Queen Anne's - Fourth Quarter 2011 - County Industry Series - Maryland's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - Workforce Information & Performance

Industry FOURTH QUARTER 2011
Monthly Employment Quarterly
Total Wages Average

Second Third
Queen Anne's County              
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 1,434   13,463   13,321   13,311 13,365  $122,168,650 $703
GOVERNMENT SECTOR - TOTAL 53 2,479 2,507 2,548 2,511 25,731,774 788
Federal Government 15 89 86 86 87 1,037,481 917
State Government 6 186 187 189 187 1,454,035 598
Local Government 32 2,204 2,234 2,273 2,237 23,240,258 799
PRIVATE SECTOR - TOTAL ALL INDUSTRIES 1,381 10,984 10,814 10,763 10,854 96,436,876 683
GOODS-PRODUCING 328 1,953 1,948 1,958 1,953 22,136,301 872
 Natural Resources and Mining
34 234 230 217 227 1,812,852 614
252 955 963 984 967 11,256,918 895
42 764 755 757 759 9,066,531 919
SERVICE PROVIDING 1,053 9,031 8,866 8,805 8,901 74,300,575 642
 Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
349 3,252 3,301 3,365 3,306 26,932,745 627
12 33 33 31 32 502,173 1,207
 Financial Activities
109 353 351 348 351 3,644,449 799
 Professional and Business Services
249 1,135 1,121 1,118 1,125 17,630,541 1,206
 Education and Health Services
87 1,025 1,050 1,049 1,041 10,655,973 787
 Leisure and Hospitality
118 2,641 2,417 2,293 2,450 11,194,915 351
 Other Services
129 592 593 601 595 3,739,779 483