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Talbot County - First Quarter 2011 - County Industry Series - Maryland's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - Workforce Information & Performance

Industry FIRST QUARTER 2011
Monthly Employment Quarterly
Total Wages Average

Second Third
Talbot County              
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 1,691   17,223   17,234   17,436 17,298  $154,917,439 $689
GOVERNMENT SECTOR - TOTAL 46 1,829 1,854 1,863 1,849 20,131,444 838
Federal Government 21 249 245 250 248 3,228,775 1,001
State Government 6 197 201 201 200 1,780,767 685
Local Government 19 1,383 1,408 1,412 1,401 15,121,902 830
PRIVATE SECTOR - TOTAL ALL INDUSTRIES 1,645 15,394 15,380 15,573 15,449 134,785,995 671
GOODS-PRODUCING 269 1,955 1,935 1,955 1,948 17,975,739 710
 Natural Resources and Mining
16 69 67 67 68 467,026 528
221 830 810 845 828 7,490,855 696
32 1,056 1,058 1,043 1,052 10,017,858 733
SERVICE PROVIDING 1,376 13,439 13,445 13,618 13,501 116,810,256 666
 Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
344 3,209 3,192 3,210 3,204 22,395,661 538
16 261 255 253 256 2,375,367 714
 Financial Activities
150 884 879 885 883 13,607,637 1,185
 Professional and Business Services
276 2,215 2,309 2,332 2,285 24,490,341 824
 Education and Health Services
178 3,611 3,614 3,645 3,623 38,423,074 816
 Leisure and Hospitality
167 2,140 2,089 2,194 2,141 9,227,482 332
 Other Services
245 1,119 1,107 1,099 1,108 6,290,694 437