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Talbot County - Third Quarter 2011 - County Industry Series - Maryland's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - Workforce Information & Performance

Industry THIRD QUARTER 2011
Monthly Employment Quarterly
Total Wages Average

Second Third
Talbot County              
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 1,631   18,389   18,251   17,995 18,212  $170,192,036 $719
GOVERNMENT SECTOR - TOTAL 43 1,788 1,780 1,836 1,801 21,536,244 920
Federal Government 18 236 236 234 235 3,472,646 1,137
State Government 6 193 186 191 190 1,742,540 705
Local Government 19 1,359 1,358 1,411 1,376 16,321,058 912
PRIVATE SECTOR - TOTAL ALL INDUSTRIES 1,588 16,601 16,471 16,159 16,410 148,655,792 697
GOODS-PRODUCING 256 1,929 1,867 1,813 1,870 17,985,741 740
 Natural Resources and Mining
16 71 68 68 69 597,514 666
207 876 863 881 873 8,880,489 782
33 982 936 864 927 8,507,738 706
SERVICE PROVIDING 1,332 14,672 14,604 14,346 14,541 130,670,051 691
 Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
335 3,356 3,385 3,357 3,366 24,611,420 562
14 241 226 239 235 2,713,893 888
 Financial Activities
145 877 881 865 874 12,870,602 1,133
 Professional and Business Services
265 2,558 2,575 2,496 2,543 26,789,726 810
 Education and Health Services
171 3,621 3,569 3,641 3,610 41,506,931 884
 Leisure and Hospitality
165 2,853 2,860 2,688 2,800 13,956,873 383
 Other Services
237 1,166 1,108 1,060 1,111 8,220,606 569