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Talbot County - Fourth Quarter 2011 - County Industry Series - Maryland's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - Workforce Information & Performance

Industry FOURTH QUARTER 2011
Monthly Employment Quarterly
Total Wages Average

Second Third
Talbot County              
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 1,594   17,882   17,753   17,635 17,757  $173,995,721 $754
GOVERNMENT SECTOR - TOTAL 43 1,842 1,833 1,853 1,843 19,835,498 828
Federal Government 18 231 231 241 234 3,269,500 1,075
State Government 6 196 193 190 193 1,533,791 611
Local Government 19 1,415 1,409 1,422 1,415 15,032,207 817
PRIVATE SECTOR - TOTAL ALL INDUSTRIES 1,551 16,040 15,920 15,782 15,914 154,160,223 745
GOODS-PRODUCING 251 1,799 1,828 1,782 1,803 18,806,894 802
 Natural Resources and Mining
16 71 70 68 70 615,386 676
203 868 874 857 866 9,086,346 807
32 860 884 857 867 9,105,162 808
SERVICE PROVIDING 1,299 14,241 14,092 14,000 14,111 135,353,329 738
 Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
326 3,353 3,353 3,423 3,376 25,094,554 572
14 250 251 251 251 2,695,190 826
 Financial Activities
142 855 849 864 856 12,540,958 1,127
 Professional and Business Services
261 2,398 2,363 2,316 2,359 27,976,978 912
 Education and Health Services
168 3,706 3,725 3,724 3,718 47,234,515 977
 Leisure and Hospitality
162 2,628 2,509 2,382 2,506 12,377,186 380
 Other Services
226 1,051 1,042 1,040 1,044 7,433,948 548
UNCLASSIFIED 1 0 0 0 0 0 0