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Commuting Patterns of Maryland Residents and Workers by Workforce Region - Workforce Information & Performance

These "Labor Shed" (where workers live) and "Commuter Shed" (where residents are employed) tables and charts provide planners, economic development specialists, job seekers, employers, transportation authorities and a host of other users with information needed to understand the commuting patterns of workers. Data used to develop the Labor and Commuter Shed reports was sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau LEHD Origin-Destination Employment statistics (LODES) database, and extracted through the Census Bureau's OnTheMap (OTM) application.

The OnTheMap employment data includes UI-covered payroll employment-private sector as well as state and local government, derived from administrative records submitted by partner states. Federal government employment data is supplied by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and includes all reporting federal agencies with the exception of the Department of Defense and the U.S. Postal Service.

The employment estimates used for the Labor Shed and Commuter Shed reports are derived from the OTM employment category of "Primary Jobs". A primary job is a worker's highest paying job, and since a worker may have only one highest paying job, "Primary Jobs" may be used as a proxy for workers.

Additional information/exploration on the LED program.

Commuting Patterns

Inquiries regarding methodology, additional information, or general assistance may be directed to:

Maryland Department of Labor
Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning
Office of Workforce Information and Performance

100 S. Charles Street, Tower 1
Baltimore, Maryland 21201