Search for Regulated Financial Service Providers - Financial Regulation

The Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Consumer Access website is a free tool for consumers to confirm that the financial services company or professional with whom they wish to conduct business is authorized to conduct business in their state.
Search by name for a financial service provider to find the provider’s contact information, federal and/or state regulatory agencies, and other details.
The categories of financial service providers licensed, registered, or chartered by the Commissioner of Financial Regulation and searchable in NMLS Consumer Access include:
- Banks and Credit Unions (see NOTE below)
- Check Cashers
- Collection Agencies
- Consumer Lenders
- Credit Reporting Agencies
- Credit Services Businesses
- Debt Management Providers
- Debt Settlement Providers
- Installment Loan Lenders
- Money Transmitters
- Mortgage Brokers
- Mortgage Lenders
- Mortgage Loan Originators (including Affiliated Insurance Producers)
- Mortgage Servicers
- Sales Finance Companies
NOTE: NMLS Consumer Access may not indicate which banks and credit unions are chartered by the Commissioner of Financial Regulation under Maryland law. To find Maryland-chartered banks and credit unions, see the Directory of Maryland-Chartered Financial Institutions.
To learn which industries and activities are under the regulatory authority of our Office, see Regulated Financial Services Industries and Activities.
Please be aware that although NMLS Consumer Access provides information on financial service providers in Maryland, NMLS is a national website not directly maintained by the Office of Financial Regulation.