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Mobile Home Retailers - Financial Regulation

Last reviewed/updated: August 6, 2024

Mobile Home Retailer is a person or a business that sells mobile homes (a/k/a manufactured homes) at retail, provides information regarding financing products to a prospective borrower for the purchase of a mobile home, and is not a mortgage lender or a mortgage originator (as defined in Md. Code Ann., Fin. Inst. §11-501 and §11-601, respectively).

Mobile home retailers have a duty of good faith and fair dealing in providing financial information to a prospective consumer borrower, including providing financial information in a manner that is neither misleading nor deceptive and that discloses all material facts. Mobile home retailers may not steer (defined in Md. Code Ann., Com. Law § 14-4202) a prospective consumer borrower to financing products that offer less favorable terms, and shall provide a written statement to a prospective consumer borrower on a form proscribed by the Commissioner in accordance with Md. Code Ann., Com. Law § 14-4203. To download this form, please see “Additional Information and Documents” below.

Additional Information and Documents

Industry Alerts and Advisories

ADVISORY - Consumer Protections for Mobile Home Purchasers - September 11, 2020

Laws, Rules, and Regulations

Mobile home retailers are expected to be knowledgeable about and in compliance with their obligations under Maryland law when providing information regarding financing products to a prospective purchaser of a mobile home, and any other applicable State or Federal statutes, rules, and regulations.

Maryland laws, rules, and regulations can be found by accessing the Annotated Code of Maryland and Rules and Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). Certain relevant Maryland laws, rules, and/or regulations include, but are not necessarily limited to: