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UI Fraud Awareness and Reporting Instructions - Unemployment Insurance

Report Fraud

To report unemployment insurance (UI) fraud, please complete a Request for Investigation of Unemployment Insurance Fraud form and return it via:

  • Email to; or,
  • Mail to Benefit Payment Control, 100 South Charles Street, Tower 1, Baltimore, MD 21201.

Report Fraudulent Benefit Charges - If you are an employer and believe a fraudulent claim was charged to your account, you can also file a benefit charge protest in BEACON (see the BEACON Employer FAQs for instructions).

Report an Incorrect 1099-G - If your 1099-G tax form was incorrect or if you received the form in error (you did not receive UI benefits in Maryland during the previous year), complete this Affidavit form and submit it, with a copy of your photo ID, to

UI Scams

The Maryland Division of Unemployment Insurance (Division) is aware of scams in which fraudsters are impersonating the Division in emails and text messages, and on social media.

  • To complete UI tasks, log in to your BEACON portal directly or use the BEACON mobile apps (MD Unemployment for Claimants or MD Unemployment for Employers). For details about BEACON, see the BEACON System Overview webpage.

Remember that the Division will NEVER:

  • request payment for assistance or ask for your BEACON password or financial information (bank account number, debit/credit card number, etc.) over e-mail or social media;
  • direct message claimants on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn or send a text message with links a to verify your account;
  • conduct adjudication or fact-finding interviews on a teleconferencing platform, such as Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype;

Fraudulent social media pages may look similar, but are newly created, do not have a lengthy history of posts, or are spelled differently (often with typos).

If you find a fraudulent page, please report it to the social media platform immediately and DO NOT respond to their messages. Links to the Maryland Department of Labor’s social media pages are listed below:

Do not provide any sensitive information about your Maryland UI claim by e-mail unless it is to a e-mail address. For questions, call the Division at 667-207-6520.

Identity Theft Resources

If you believe you are a victim of identity theft, please see the: